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Keep Calm and Clin Doc On
Keep Calm and Clin Doc On

Keep Calm and Clin Doc On

On Monday, September 20, medical staff and a number of clinical units at Royal Jubilee Hospital (RJH) started using the Cerner electronic health record (EHR) for clinical documentation.

This “go-live” event went ahead with minimal fuss and few hitches, and with staff and leaders fully cognizant of the ongoing response to COVID-19 cases and stretched resources. Still, there was a buzz of excitement on the units where “Clin Doc” went live and in the IHealth project’s support and command centre.

Support teams assisting medical and clinical staff made the rounds of the hospital, staffed a 24/7 support line and provided elbow-to-elbow support, reinforcing training and working through any issues reported by staff and providers.

In a real-time “pay-it-forward” moment on day 1, staff in the Emergency Department at RJH called counterparts at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital to help with the immediate solution to issues they encountered with patient transition.

Going live on Monday were Emergency Department, Psychiatric Emergency Services, Post Anaesthetic Care Unit, Surgical Day Care and Operating Room and all physicians.

Meghann Elliott is a clinical nurse educator (CNE) on the third floor of the Diagnosis and Treatment Centre, supporting the Post Anesthetic Care Unit, Surgical Day Care and Operating Rooms.

Elliott arrived at work on Monday ready for go-live and wearing her support on her t-shirt, which said “Keep Calm and Clin Doc On”.

“I considered something a little saucier, like ‘If you can handle catheterizing a patient, you can handle Clin Doc’, but in the end I went with a calmer, supportive message,” Meghann said.

Knowing that she wanted to provide a visible sign that she was on hand to support her colleagues, Elliott had decided on the weekend to put the message on a t-shirt, and produced a large iron-on decal from her home printer. Elliot also expressed gratitude for her colleagues who have put in overtime to support other staff and help them learn how to work with the new system.

“We’ve got a great buddy system, and our workflow sessions have been a real help,” she added.

Remaining areas at RJH and at VGH are focused on reaching 100% training completion in preparation for going live.

Congratulations and thanks to all staff involved for their hard work, dedication and professionalism in making this change towards improved quality and consistency of care.

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