CCM Go-Live Gallery
What's going live?
On Friday June 24, Cerner Capacity Management, which works with the electronic health record, will replace Teletracking at RJH and VGH.
This change applies to:
- Nursing, HCAs and allied health staff
- Patient and materiel porters
- Environmental services (Housekeeping)
- BioMed
CCM benefits include:
- Greater transparency of patient flow
- Integration with PowerChart, FirstNet, PM Office and other Cerner applications
- Ability to order equipment electronically
- Real-time updates of portering and housekeeping status
Manager Checklist for CCM
Are you wondering how to prepare your team for the launch of CCM?
Consult this practical Manager Checklist. It provides a concrete list of actions you can take to be ready for the launch on June 24
In-Person Training
Completion of in-person training is mandatory for: Registration and Patient Placement staff
Completion of in-person training is mandatory for: Portering and Environmental Services
On-Line Training
eLearning modules for nursing, clinical and allied health staff are posted below. For each eLearning module, clinical staff will need access to CCM Usernames and Practice Patients (Intranet sign-in required).
- Completion of applicable Clinical eLearning Curriculums is mandatory for: CSOs, NUAs, CNLs, CNEs and Frequent Charge Nurses
- All staff who use materiel porter services are strongly recommended to complete the Equipment Transport Request eLearning module (30min)
Acute Inpatient Nurses, CNLs, CNEs, NUAs
Perioperative Nurses, CNLs, CNEs, NUAs
Emergency Nurses, CNLs, CNEs, NUAs
Perinatal Nurses, CNLs, CNEs, NUAs
Ancilliary, Allied Health, Ambulatory Care, and HCAs
Training Session Recordings
Support for Cerner Capacity Management
Quick Resource Guides (QRGs)
QRG sheets for staff are available on the IHealth project SharePoint page: RJH and VGH CCM On Site Resources (Island Health log-in required).
Go-Live Updates (Hot Sheets)
Hot Sheets are produced throughout the go-live period in response to end-user experience, addressing chief questions and issues. They are available on the IHealth Intranet pages: Go-Live Updates (sign in required)
CCM Questions
For questions regarding the activation of Cerner Capacity Management, please contact the CCM Project Team at
For questions about change management and assisting your team with this change, please contact IHealth Change Manager Alison Gyte at