IHealth Medical Staff Champion Council

The IHealth Medical Staff Champion Council (MSCC) is composed of 44 members of Island Health’s medical staff, who have been hired as Specialty Leads. This collaborative team meets monthly to provide change leadership throughout the order set harmonization process and the VGH / RJH Tertiary Activation project.

Specialty Leads:

  • Actively coordinate and facilitate workflow review sessions and skill sharpeners
  • Provide in-person support leading up to and during go-live 
  • Serve as a liaison for issues/resolution between their area, operations and the IHealth team
  • Provide ongoing support post activation as we move to other sites

Medical Staff Champion Council Resources

IHealth Specialty Department Leads

Department Specialty Lead
Anesthesia, Pain, & Perioperative Medicine Dr. Pooya Kazemi
Critical Care Dr. Tom Kuca
Emergency Dr. Drew Digney
Imaging Medicine Dr. Jeffrey Hu
Laboratory Medicine Dr. Michael Chen and Dr. Jennifer Duncan
Specialist Obstetrics Dr. Regina Renner
Primary Care Perinatal Brandi Wasyluk (RM)
Medicine TBD
Pediatrics Dr. Peter MacDougall and Dr. Gaby Yang
Primary, Ambulatory and Urgent Care Dr. Kevin Garneau-Begin and Dr. Liz Wiley
Psychiatry Dr. Lonn Myronuk
Surgery Dr. Kellie Whitehill
Medical Genetics Dr. Katherine Blood
Trauma Dr. Mark Vu

IHealth Specialty Leads - Divisions of Medicine

IHealth Specialty Leads - Divisions of Surgery

Department Specialty Lead
General Internal Medicine Dr. Benjamin Sugars
Hospitalist South Island TBC
Hospitalist South Island TBC
Hospitalist NRGH Dr. Andre De Wit
Cardiology Dr. Lauren Dewart and Dr. A.J. Vethanayagam
Endocrine & Metabolism Dr. Galina Smushkin
Gastroenterology Dr. Dustin Loomes
Nephrology Dr. Roderick MacDonald and Dr. Krishna Poinen
Neurology Dr. Keiran Tuck
Palliative Medicine Dr. Katelyn Mueller
Respirology Dr. Kewan Aboulhosn
Geriatric Medicine Dr. Alyson Osborne
Hematology/Oncology/Oncologic Radiology Dr. Lisa Earle and Dr. Uma Belgaumkar
Infectious Disease Dr. Ryan LeBlanc
Rehabilitation Medicine Dr. Jesse Ennis
Addictions Medicine Dr. Ramm Hering
Dermatology TBD
Rheumatology TBD
Hematology Dr. Adrian Lee and Dr. Janet Mak
Department Specialty Lead
General Surgery Dr. Sohrab Khorasani
Gynecology Dr. Emily Sandwith
Ophthalmology Dr. Rusty Ritenour
Orthopedics Dr. Stephen Burnett
Urology Dr. Linda C. Lee
Cardiac Surgery Dr. Michael Perchinsky
Neurosurgery Dr. Evan Frangou
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Anthony Rea
Otolaryngology Dr. Clark Bartlett
Pediatric Surgery Dr. Brent Weatherhead
Plastic Surgery Dr. Jorga Zabojova
Thoracic Surgery Dr. Shaun Coughlin
Vascular Surgery Dr. Matthew J. Robinson
Dentistry Dr. Anthony J. Nadolski
Podiatry TBD