Reinforcing your skills in the PLAY (PLYIH) Domain

Using the PLAY (PLYIH) Domain to reinforce your skills

What it is:

The PLAY (PLYIH) Domain of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a “copy” of Island Health’s EHR, including electronic documentation and computerized provider order entry (CPOE). By accessing the PLAY (PLYIH) Domain, you will get hands-on experience to help prepare you to use the EHR. Specifically, you will:
  • Get experience with the basic look and feel of the EHR.
  • Develop an understanding of electronic documentation and computerized provider order entry (CPOE).
  • Be able to practice basic daily EHR workflows in a safe environment.
  • Be able to demo basic EHR functionality to your peers.

What it is not:

The PLAY (PLYIH) Domain is not:
  • A ‘live’ view of clinical areas or patient information.
  • A perfect view of the complete functions of the EHR.
  • A forum to suggest changes to the EHR.
  • A complete record with in-depth data specific to all specialties.

We are continually updating and making improvements within this domain.

How to access the PLAY (PLYIH) Domain:

  1. Access to the 10 PLAY (PLYIH) Domains, including PowerChart, FirstNet, FetaLink and more, are available to users through Citrix Workspace.  Click on the “PlayIH” Category to see the complete list
  2. Look for and favourite the appropriate app for your role in the Apps list.  
  3. These “play” patients have some data to view and have play access to PharmaNet to view medication information for Best Possible Medication History (BPMH). In addition, you will be able to use My Experience to select the position that most closely matches your role. 
  4. A list of 30 usernames and passwords is available on this document: PLAY (PLYIH) Domain: Usernames and Passwords – Medical Staff

Where you can get support:

If you need assistance with any of these steps, please contact