Medical Staff Support

Support for medical staff

Engagement labs:

Medical staff engagement labs are now open to assist you with all things electronic health record, Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following locations: 

Victoria General Hospital: S275 (next to physician lounge)

Royal Jubilee Hospital: Royal Block 203

Continued Learning:

Provider Education and Experience (ProEX) has Skill Sharpeners available for individuals or groups. These sessions are offered by request, provided you have finished the required EHR training for the site where you work. To request a Skill Sharpener session, email

New physicians:

ProEX also works with the Island Health credentialing team to ensure that new physicians receive their education prior to their first shift.

eCoach in the EHR:

eCoach provides on-screen support tips within PowerChart and FirstNet – a great first source for help prior to contacting the Clinical Service Desk. You will find it in the grey navigation bar at the top of Oracle Cerner PowerChart and FirstNet.

Training for medical staff

Register for online education sessions through LearningHub. You can sign up for a LearningHub account using the link below.

MyHealth Patient Portal Training (30-minute on-line course):

Island Health medical staff now have the ability to select their authored clinical notes for release to patients who are enrolled in the MyHealth patient portal. The 12 clinical note types available for release in Phase One are:
  • Admission Note
  • Cardiology Consult
  • Discharge Summary
  • Gastroenterology Consult
  • General Surgery Consult
  • Internal Medicine Consult
  • Nephrology Consult
  • Operative and Discharge Note
  • Operative Report
  • Orthopedic Consult
  • Procedure Note
  • Respirology Consult

This course will prepare you for creating MyHealth released notes through the review of best practices for patient-centred clinical documentation. It also includes information on how to select note types that will be released to the MyHealth portal.