The following has been sent to all staff at VGH and RJH on behalf of Gillian Kozinka, Interim Executive Director; Dr Haley Bos, Chief of Staff, VGH; Dr Brian Mc Ardle, Chief of Staff, RJH; and the IHealth team.

March 16, 2023

IHealth update: Timing set for CPOE activation at VGH/RJH
(including GRH and SISC)


Following several months of detailed planning work, the IHealth team and senior clinical and medical leaders have agreed that Victoria General Hospital (VGH) will go live in mid-February 2024 and Royal Jubilee Hospital (RJH) will go live in mid-March 2024 with computerized provider order entry (CPOE) and a “closed-loop” medication administration and management system. Gorge Road Hospital (GRH) and South Island Surgical Centre (SISC) will activate with VGH.

As part of the activation, 38 outpatient clinics that have significant care linkages to patients in acute care will be activating at the same time. Remaining ambulatory clinics will follow, with specific timing to be determined. The timing decision takes into account the preparation needed to be ready for this significant practice change. Our current focus is on:

  • Designing, building and testing the system for CPOE and orders management, expanding on the system in use at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.
  • Completing the regional, interdisciplinary review and harmonization of order sets.
  • Preparing for and holding Island-wide workflow validation sessions, where clinicians, ordering providers and allied health team members will review together specific workflows using the electronic system to ensure appropriateness for VGH/RJH and future activations.
  • Defining roles and recruiting peer mentors and physician champions to best support staff through the activation.
  • Working with Clinical Informatics and Provider Education and Experience (ProEX) on designing learning materials and planning the adoption journey for all affected medical, clinical, allied health and clerical staff.


Engagement: Site operations is looking for interested individuals to engage in the peer mentor activities and workflow validation sessions – your participation is of critical importance and appreciated. Staff members interested in being a peer mentor are invited to make their interest clear to their manager.

Device Deployment: Devices were ordered well in advance, with supply chain issues in mind, and installation will happen over the coming months. Some areas, such as ambulatory clinics, may see device installations as early as this month; notice and further details of device deployment will come through operational leaders/managers.

Please send questions or comments to the IHealth project team:


We are grateful for the significant contribution you have made, and continue to make, to improve the quality of patient care and provider experience through advanced use of the electronic health record.