News Brief – March 25 2024

IHealth News Brief - by Medical Staff, for Medical Staff

What you need to know

Go-Live Dates for Tertiary Site Activation/Computerized Provider Order Entry

May 25, 2024:

  • Victoria General Hospital
  • Gorge Road Hospital (sub-acute)
  • South Island Surgical Centre 

June 8, 2024

  • Royal Jubilee Hospital

Remote Hosting Option (RHO) remediation:

Migration to Oracle Health’s Cerner Remote Hosting Option February 23 was an overall success. However, outstanding issues remain for medical staff during this stabilization phase of the transition.  

  • A delay in Dragon mic activation remains when depressing the record button to dictate and when releasing to end dictation. To avoid transcription errors, please take a breath while pressing the record button before starting your dictation.  
  • Problems with Dragon mics and roaming have been fixed so your preferences are saved across devices.
  • Additional issues of remote access to UptoDate and lack of image display while in CareConnect also remain. 

The outstanding issues are being actively worked on and resolution is expected soon.

Highlights from results of the 1st readiness survey:

Thanks to the 37% of medical staff working at VGH/SISC/GRH/RJH who participated in our first Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) readiness survey. At the time of the survey close February 4:

  • Roughly 50% of respondents were not aware of our go-live dates and did not know how to find the information they needed to prepare.  
  • Approximately 60% understood the benefits to patients and staff with the transition to electronic ordering.

The results of this survey and a second one planned for release, help direct the project team’s efforts to support our success at Go-Live. This bi-monthly publication was developed as a response to results of the first survey – thank you.

What you need to do


Mandatory Education

Virtual Facilitated Classroom Education (via Zoom): If you have not already registered for this session, please do so by calling Chloe Schlender from our ProEX team: 250-588-4036.  

In-Person Workflow Reviews: These are small-group learning sessions focusing on electronic orders, facilitated in most cases by a physician. They build on general learning gained by attendance in the virtual classroom training and use specific patient case scenarios to place orders with specialty PowerChart configurations.  An email has been sent to you which contains instructions on how register. If you cannot find this email or have questions, please contact the education team: 

Readiness Survey

  • Complete the 2nd readiness survey, which will come out in early April.

How we’re making progress

Kudos to the ICU specialty service who continue to develop their order sets and their PowerChart electronic order entry build for the spring Go-Live. This group is also the first medical specialty to complete a small group Workflow Review session. The session, facilitated by NRGH ICU physician Dr. Tom Kuca, was well attended by South Island intensivists. Many thanks to Tom and this group for leading us forward!